MGI Strategic Solutions is uniquely qualified to deliver the substantial potential value that can result from an insightful Information Technology and Strategy Alignment project. C. Lawrence Meador, Chairman of MGI Strategic Solutions, developed the Information Technology Strategy Alignment consulting methodology and its application based in part on his MIT research on IT strategy in over 200 organizations in the US and abroad.
MGI Strategic Solutions has successfully delivered a number of Information Technology and Strategy Alignment projects for large organizations, including both private and public sector groups. These projects have made a substantial difference, and the clients have frequently implemented the results in ways that enabled very positive strategic change. We know the overall process well, and know how to make it succeed with whatever culture and resources are available in the client’s organization. We know how to engage non-IT units productively and efficiently in the dialogs that lead to an excellent result. We understand how to blend the worlds of IT, business and mission execution to uncover the crucial leverage points for success. We have a deep understanding of technology capabilities available in the marketplace, and how to identify those that are critical for an enterprise’s mission execution and success.
Overall, MGI Strategic Solutions consultants are able to take the huge volume of facts and observations that surround an enterprise’s IT and business strategies and distill them down to a set of highly concentrated and prioritized actionable summaries. These present the relatively small number of key questions and issues that senior management must understand and address in order to fully reap the benefits of information technology for the enterprise.