MGI Strategic Solutions consultants have extensive hands-on expertise in virtually every knowledge and practice domain relevant to IT strategy setting, including but not limited to national security policy, defense policy, Intelligence Community policy, enterprise architecture, strategic planning, business intelligence, knowledge management, system requirements and design, operations modeling, security, communications, data warehousing and data mining as well as ongoing operations. We are able to bridge and integrate all these areas smoothly in helping clients understand the dynamics of complex issues and set priorities in challenging circumstances.
While holding senior leadership roles in various organizations, MGI Strategic Solutions consultants have accumulated decades of experience in IT assessment, strategy, governance and management. We are deeply familiar with a range of methodologies as well as our own. Through our long experience we have gained hard-won insights into which problems are amenable to what techniques. This means that we approach our clients’ specific problems, culture, and people pragmatically, unconstrained by any particular models, methodologies or textbook solutions. Since our people have themselves been successful CIOs and IT project turnaround managers and internal IT strategists/planners/consultants, we know how challenging the real world can be, but also how successful strategies can be devised and deployed. Additionally, we long ago learned how to clearly communicate IT issues, options and consequences in business terms, the key to engaging top-level non-IT executives.
MGI Strategic Solutions has no vested interest in selling technology-based hardware or software products or long range contracts for systems engineering and technical assistance (SETA). We are not in that business, nor do we have business arrangements with any firm in that business that would bias us in any way. This makes our recommendations totally objective, and unflavored by any consideration other than what we believe is best for the Client.